
The scope of the conference covers the following categories of the field of optics and photonics.


  1. Optical Design, Optical Materials, and Photo Lithography
    Optical design,  Optical systems for lithography,  Freeform optics,  Micro optics,  Computational imaging,  Optical materials,
    Aberration theory,  Super-resolution imaging,  Diffractive optics,  Applied optics
  2. Vision, Color, Display and Lighting
    Color vision modeling,  Color science and engineering systems,  Color imaging and applications,
    Color design for health and amenity,  Modeling, perception, and reproduction of material appearance,
    Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging,  Light measurement and vision systems,
    Quality assessment of imaging processes and displays,  3D metrology, machine vision, and factory automation,
    Virtual and augmented reality displays,  Micro display, flexible display and transparent display,
    Laser displays, speckle issues, and screen technology,  Light-field displays,
    Advances in optics of backlit and front-illuminated displays, emissive displays (e.g. OLEDs), projection, holographic and light-field displays,  Low-cost solid-state light sources with high efficiency and luminous flux,
    Novel material for solid state lighting,  Projection, bio sensing, sensors and internet of things (IoT) by solid state lighting,
    Lighting for health and amenity,  Detectors expand our vision into the signal by allowing the remote sensing of an object
  3. Optical Metrology
    Time, frequency, length, distance and dimensional metrology,  Time and frequency dissemination,
    Frequency-comb applications,  Optical to microwave frequency conversion,
    Precise interferometry, spectroscopy, polarimetry, scatterometry, and other novel measurement methods,
    Lidar, ranging, astronomical instruments, and other remote sensing methods,
    Optical measurement systems for industrial inspection and applications
  4. Optical Imaging and Optical Information Processing
    Optical information processing,  Digital optics,  Optical computing,  Information photonics,
    Holography, computer-generated holography,  Three-dimensional display,  Holographic display,  Volumetric display,
    Digital holography,  Three-dimensional imaging,  Computational imaging,  Compressive imaging, Ptychography,
    Integral imaging,  Quantitative phase imaging,  Imaging in scattered medium,  Adaptive optics,  Digital phase conjugation,
    Optical memory,  Holographic data storage,  Nanophotonic information system,  Optical cryptology,  Diffractive optical element,
    Spatial light modulator,  Imaging device
  5. Advanced Microscopy and Spectroscopy
    Optical microscopy,  Super-resolution microscopy,  Confocal/multiphoton/volume microscopy,  Photoacoustic microscopy, Nonlinear spectroscopy and imaging,  Hyperspectral/Multimodal imaging,  Adaptive optics,  Image and spectrum processing,
    Novel molecular probes/labels
  6. Biomedical Optics/Photonics
    Optical techniques for cell biology,  Tissue optics,  Optical coherence tomography,  Photoacoustic methods,
    Diffuse spectroscopy and imaging,  Photo terapeutics and laser tissue/cell interactions,  Photodynamic diagnosis and therapy
  7. Nonlinear Optics
    Nonlinear optics and photonics,  Micro solid-state photonics,  Nonlinear materials and structured material,
    Wavelength conversion and frequency mixing
  8. Ultrafast Phenomena and Ultrafast Optics
    Ultrafast lasers and pulse measurements, nonlinear frequency conversion,
    Ultrafast THz sources, pulse shaping and coherent control,  Ultrafast nonlinear optics,
    Ultrafast plasmonics, carrier dynamics and coherent phonons ,
    Ultrafast nano-optics, femtochemistry and femtobiology, vibrational and conformational dynamics, solvation dynamics,
    Ultrafast nonlinear microscopy, bio-medical applications, high-speed optoelectronics, electro-optical sampling, micro-machining
  9. High Power Lasers and Applications
    High power / brightness lasers (include all configurations),  Processing using high power lasers
  10. X-ray and High-energy Optics
    Optics for EUV,  X-ray, and gamma-ray (Microscopy, Imaging, Tomography, Spectroscopy, Telescope, Interferometry,
    New source, Optical elements/devices, etc.)
  11. Microwave/Millimeterwave/THz Photonics
    RF photonics,  Signal generation,  Signal detection,  Signal control,  Communications,  Measurement,  Sensing,
    Spectroscopy,  Imaging,  Related integrated devices,  Circuits and systems
  12. Near Field Optics, Plasmonics, and Metamaterials
    Nearfield optics,  Plasmonics,  Metamaterials,  Metasurfaces,  Nanophotonics,  Surface plasmons,  Nanofabrication,
    Nanoimaging,  Nanosensing,  Nanospectroscopy,  Nearfield microscopy
  13. Photonic Crystal, Nano Structures and Functions
    Phonic crystals,  Photonic nanostructures,  Nanowires,  Nanomaterials,  Nano functional devices,  Nano photonic circuits,
    Integrated nanophotonics
  14. Optoelectronics and Photonic Devices
    Semiconductor lasers and LEDs,  Solid state lighting devices,  Optical amplifiers,  Optical modulators and switches,
    Optical waveguides,  Light controlling devices,  Photodetectors,  Photonic integrated circuits,  Silicon photonics,
    Heterogeneous integration,  Environmental (green) photonics,  Photovoltaic devices
  15. Optical MEMS and Micro-optics
    Optical MEMS,  Adaptive and tunable micro optics,  Spatial light modulators,  Micro/nano actuators for optical devices,
    Opto-fluidic devices,  THz MEMS,  Biomedical micro-optical devices,  Free-space optical components and systems
  16. Quantum Optics and Atom Optics
    Quantum optics,  Atom optics,  Quantum computing,  Quantum simulation and boson sampling,  Quantum cryptography,
    Quantum metrology,  Single photon sources and detectors,  Cold atoms and trapped ions,
    Quantum dots and vacancy defects,  Optomechanics
  17. Fiber Optics
    Fiber optics,  Fiber lasers and amplifiers,  Physics of linear and nonlinear propagation in fibers,
    Design, fabrication, and characterization of fibers,  Fiber devices,  Fiber sensors
  18. Optical Communications and Photonic Network
    Optical communication systems and related technologies,  Optical switching and signal processing technologies,
    Optical interconnection and advanced modulation,  Node/network architecture, design, control and management